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Works with IFTTT

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Occasional Visitor
What calls the Smart WIFI Router?
What's the Trigger / Action and attractive Recipes will comes?
Any wish list?

Turn WIFI off when dinner time
Blink smart light when there is hacker try to connect in my router
Create a guest network when friend visit
What calls the Smart WIFI Router?
What's the Trigger / Action and attractive Recipes will comes?
Any wish list?

Turn WIFI off when dinner time
Blink smart light when there is hacker try to connect in my router
Create a guest network when friend visit

My wish list for these type of intrusive (auto) events is that they can be effectively and permanently disabled.

I much prefer to have a known and stable environment for all my computing activities. Then I can intelligently decide if and when different events should happen or not.

The only thing I see with these 'recipes' is disaster waiting to happen.

Yes, I do not believe any machine is as smart as it needs to be yet (and certainly not an underpowered router).
What is IFTTT

ASUSis alsogoing toimportroutingsupportstringknotIFTTT Services,what kind ofTrigger / ActionRecipesandattractiveit?
Pleasework together toprovide users withcontext, soplay ittoo strong forASUSroutingfeatures!

For Example:
a.dinnerautomaticswitch offWIFI,letthe childreneat well!Do notslideplateit!
b.Networkingmeansmore than twentyunits!?-conditioneddropittwice!
c.launchBMWcar togo to work,turn onthe power saving modeECO Moderoutingit!
d.Some peopletry torub network!?intelligentlampflashesto remind

Come andgetTrigger / Actionthan anyone else/ Recipesmore attractiveit!
My wish list for these type of intrusive (auto) events is that they can be effectively and permanently disabled.

I much prefer to have a known and stable environment for all my computing activities. Then I can intelligently decide if and when different events should happen or not.

The only thing I see with these 'recipes' is disaster waiting to happen.

Yes, I do not believe any machine is as smart as it needs to be yet (and certainly not an underpowered router).

Do you worry about security issues or stability issue?
You want intelligently manually control your router according to events happened all by your awareness?
Or there is a simple way to create a robust recipe to automatically execute the clear simple task?

There may 2 different scales of future router present as
1. Smart Route: set the rule engine to execute simple and clear task automatically, you just set it up then forget, smart router take over the following control.
2. Intelligent Router: a learning engine study your behavior then keeping alignment work with you to complete the task exactly what you need

It may a long-term evolution process and not a whole new revolution.
So why not contribute some useful trigger / action and recipes to rule our life a initial intelligently?
Do you worry about security issues or stability issue?
You want intelligently manually control your router according to events happened all by your awareness?
Or there is a simple way to create a robust recipe to automatically execute the clear simple task?

There may 2 different scales of future router present as
1. Smart Route: set the rule engine to execute simple and clear task automatically, you just set it up then forget, smart router take over the following control.
2. Intelligent Router: a learning engine study your behavior then keeping alignment work with you to complete the task exactly what you need

It may a long-term evolution process and not a whole new revolution.
So why not contribute some useful trigger / action and recipes to rule our life a initial intelligently?

Seems like you believe the marketing hype.

No such thing as an intelligent or smart router. There are only tools that we can set as needed and they work as flawlessly as possible with the least intervention for the longest time.

With a router, the main goal is the highest security of your digital front door. Next comes performance to at least expected levels over the time of ownership. After that, any features that can help with the first two items.

A router that 'learns' is a device that is not doing it's job properly. The network design and settings I decide upon initially were not worked out because I don't know any better. They were implemented like they were because they allow me to achieve my goals (security and performance). Anything that now messes with that is not going to be beneficial, no matter how idealistic it may seem to some.

Networking is not something new that needs to be reinvented, rebooted or reimagined. It is a stable process that simply needs to be implemented correctly the first time without losing sight of the final destination, and that goal is to protect our digital assets that we trust on our networks while allowing us to use those assets as freely within that network as possible.

Nothing that the IFTTT offers does that. What it does offer is some kind of pseudo futuristic way to 'control' a router that makes people think they're living in the 23 century. But that is impossible to do with 21 century hardware as limited as most routers have today (or the near and far future).
What is IFTTT

ASUSis alsogoing toimportroutingsupportstringknotIFTTT Services,what kind ofTrigger / ActionRecipesandattractiveit?
Pleasework together toprovide users withcontext, soplay ittoo strong forASUSroutingfeatures!

For Example:
a.dinnerautomaticswitch offWIFI,letthe childreneat well!Do notslideplateit!
b.Networkingmeansmore than twentyunits!?-conditioneddropittwice!
c.launchBMWcar togo to work,turn onthe power saving modeECO Moderoutingit!
d.Some peopletry torub network!?intelligentlampflashesto remind

Come andgetTrigger / Actionthan anyone else/ Recipesmore attractiveit!

Great! There are some Trigger / Action can tell from your recipes!
Recipe a: Actions for turn on/off WIFI, or means to blocked/activated internet access
Recipe b: Trigger for amount of devices connected with router, you may take actions if there are too many or just few devices connected with router.
Recipe c: Action for set the ECO mode of router for power saving
Recipe d: Trigger for someone try to attack router, it's more related to security, right?

Now we have basic wifi control, power saving and security check, what else?
Seems like you believe the marketing hype.

No such thing as an intelligent or smart router. There are only tools that we can set as needed and they work as flawlessly as possible with the least intervention for the longest time.

With a router, the main goal is the highest security of your digital front door. Next comes performance to at least expected levels over the time of ownership. After that, any features that can help with the first two items.

A router that 'learns' is a device that is not doing it's job properly. The network design and settings I decide upon initially were not worked out because I don't know any better. They were implemented like they were because they allow me to achieve my goals (security and performance). Anything that now messes with that is not going to be beneficial, no matter how idealistic it may seem to some.

Networking is not something new that needs to be reinvented, rebooted or reimagined. It is a stable process that simply needs to be implemented correctly the first time without losing sight of the final destination, and that goal is to protect our digital assets that we trust on our networks while allowing us to use those assets as freely within that network as possible.

Nothing that the IFTTT offers does that. What it does offer is some kind of pseudo futuristic way to 'control' a router that makes people think they're living in the 23 century. But that is impossible to do with 21 century hardware as limited as most routers have today (or the near and far future).

I am agree that the router should be a trust guard that protect our digital door and I believe it's ongoing program now.
And I also believe your so called 23 century just around the corner, the learning mechanism will keeping improve no matter in router or on cloud.

I know the ASUS Router, the performance is always their basic design DNA and also keeping improve, works with 3th party for absolute security trust.
I also know the IFTTT, the purpose provide the rule engine platform for connection as many applications, triggers and actions are offering the recipes flexibility.
And all their protocols for connecting each other are all the advanced networking security technologies.

How about keep think simple to enjoy the convinced they offer and leave the security guarantee effort for the company they should taking care!
As the power use you are, I bet you should have a lot of ideas for your networking machine help to background rule your digital world? Share it to us!
It may be true that I just haven't seen a use case where IFTTT makes sense for a router. But the gushing praise is obvious and the smell test reeks of marketing to me.

IFTTT isn't something I would use on my most powerful computer (or phone for that matter). I don't use siri nor Cortana nor any google services (except for search). IFTTT is something that offers nothing in return except potential headaches, security breaches and other random glitches just to say I'm on the latest bandwagon.

I've never been on a bandwagon. I use what works (not was is promised to work) in a consistent and repeatable manner.
Perhaps @JackRose should have mentioned that he works for ASUS.


Director, New Product Development
ASUS - Networking & Wireless Devices
March 2014 – Present (2 years 1 month)

Create the new product focus on IoT domain to enrich WiFi Router eco-system. From IoT technology survey and marketing trend strategy to engage OEM/ODM and services provider for features development; also presenting and proven ideas by prototyping demonstration.

Smart Home Integration Gateway / Router Platform
Intelligent IoT Edge Devices - SHELLifeTM
IP Camera Product Features Added
JackRose, if that is you in ColinTaylor's post above, tell Asus that if IFTTT is implemented in their routers and no option to disable it entirely; you have lost a customer for life (and anyone else I consult to).
Agreed. It is not a router's job to do any kind of learning and certainly not to provide information to a service that might. The job of the gateway router is to (a) route packets and (b) provide security services, among which is to protect from the outside world. Any information leaked by the router to outside services is counter to that task. I can think of no use case where this would provide such a benefit to the consumer that it would outweigh the security and privacy risks associated with it, nor can I think of a business case where this has any benefit for Asus.
I'd very much like to see some sort of IFTTT integration, although I side with L&LD and others that the option to disable it *completely* would be essential. In fact, I'd much rather see IFTTT integration as a kind of optional plug-in than any part of the basic router functionality.

But there are a handful of use cases for IFTTT integration – geofencing, for example, or reducing WiFi power/set to Eco mode when no motion is detected by a sensor – that would appeal to me.
Indeed, I do work with ASUS Router business and purpose here to hear truly customer's voice for any new features.
And do not worry, any security related features should be absolutely disabled by default, just as IFTTT.

If ASUS implemented this IFTTT feature, it should be only apply to middle to high-end so called IoT gateway router model at first stage.
It only activated by user and the registering and authentication the ASUS Router Channel at IFTTT process would be follow OAuth2.

The strategy of ASUS router is trying to offer better user experiences in this hot IoT age and purpose to enrich the ecosystem with following new products.
Just like @NSNE mentioned, geofencing and work with other sensors...etc., when the trend is coming, ASUS definitely should prepare for that services.
So, that's truly hunger and will thankful to listen any feedback from users.
Indeed, I do work with ASUS Router business and purpose here to hear truly customer's voice for any new features.
And do not worry, any security related features should be absolutely disabled by default, just as IFTTT.

If ASUS implemented this IFTTT feature, it should be only apply to middle to high-end so called IoT gateway router model at first stage.
It only activated by user and the registering and authentication the ASUS Router Channel at IFTTT process would be follow OAuth2.

The strategy of ASUS router is trying to offer better user experiences in this hot IoT age and purpose to enrich the ecosystem with following new products.
Just like @NSNE mentioned, geofencing and work with other sensors...etc., when the trend is coming, ASUS definitely should prepare for that services.
So, that's truly hunger and will thankful to listen any feedback from users.

Glad to hear the above.

Then give us what we really want:

i3 or i5 based router with 32GB of storage, 4MB of ram, 8 antennae/8 streams and at least 8 1GbE ports or better yet, as many 10GbE ports as possible with an os that will give us the option to let us configure this hardware as we see fit.

For example;
the ability to lock out other devices even if plugged into any port.
the ability to enable VLANs natively from the os without any programming.
the option to buy optimally matched, higher gain, antennae for greater range in single story dwellings.
the ability to upgrade the ram or the storage as future needs dictate.

As you can see, IFTTT isn't in the above picture for a 'better user experience'. Neither is the IoT age 'hot' or enriching for a router that is meant to be the LOCK on our digital front door.

While we're dreaming, develop an os similar to QTS (QNAP) or DSM (Synology) that can be infinitely added to. Rather than marketing routers as 'gaming', etc. such as WTFast and other mostly gimmicky addons.

I buy Asus routers and recommend them to customers because of the hardware and the ability the software gives us to get the most from that hardware. Continue with that (first).

Seeing another gimmicky and marketing catchphrase isn't what I want to see on the box (ever).

So, I did my part with the feedback. When can I give you my money for the above product? :)
Glad to hear the above.

Then give us what we really want:

i3 or i5 based router with 32GB of storage, 4MB of ram, 8 antennae/8 streams and at least 8 1GbE ports or better yet, as many 10GbE ports as possible with an os that will give us the option to let us configure this hardware as we see fit.

For example;
the ability to lock out other devices even if plugged into any port.
the ability to enable VLANs natively from the os without any programming.
the option to buy optimally matched, higher gain, antennae for greater range in single story dwellings.
the ability to upgrade the ram or the storage as future needs dictate.

As you can see, IFTTT isn't in the above picture for a 'better user experience'. Neither is the IoT age 'hot' or enriching for a router that is meant to be the LOCK on our digital front door.

While we're dreaming, develop an os similar to QTS (QNAP) or DSM (Synology) that can be infinitely added to. Rather than marketing routers as 'gaming', etc. such as WTFast and other mostly gimmicky addons.

I buy Asus routers and recommend them to customers because of the hardware and the ability the software gives us to get the most from that hardware. Continue with that (first).

Seeing another gimmicky and marketing catchphrase isn't what I want to see on the box (ever).

So, I did my part with the feedback. When can I give you my money for the above product? :)

May I know how much money you would like to pay for this kind of powerful HW?
And do you know how many your kind of super power users will buy in this?

I don't think so there is i3/i5 platform for router at this moment but there is indeed comes the powerful CPU platform.
Thanks for USB3.0/3.1, you could plug in external storage; 8 antennas and GbE are defiantly coming.

For OS, any suggestions? Optimized OpenWRT? Android? Ubuntu?
For 8 antennas, any dedicated outlook prefer?

p.s.: we may leave here still for IFTTT, tech to other thread?
May I know how much money you would like to pay for this kind of powerful HW?
And do you know how many your kind of super power users will buy in this?

I don't think so there is i3/i5 platform for router at this moment but there is indeed comes the powerful CPU platform.
Thanks for USB3.0/3.1, you could plug in external storage; 8 antennas and GbE are defiantly coming.

For OS, any suggestions? Optimized OpenWRT? Android? Ubuntu?
For 8 antennas, any dedicated outlook prefer?

p.s.: we may leave here still for IFTTT, tech to other thread?

Sure, Tim or RMerlin can move this discussion to it's own thread, no problem.

As for the cost? I think it is easily within the cost of the latest routers ($500 or over, depending on where the user can buy from).

I personally don't want Ubuntu, I prefer the current Asus gui, but what it runs underneath is not too concerning (see next sentence). Android or any other phone based system (except for Windows 10 mobile) would be the last (never) os I would willing use. I want a secure, stable and upgradeable environment for a router. Android is anything but secure, stable or upgradeable from what any specific device is released with.

I'd love it if others can add their requests (in the new thread). Thanks for keeping this dialogue going. :)
Sure, Tim or RMerlin can move this discussion to it's own thread, no problem.

As for the cost? I think it is easily within the cost of the latest routers ($500 or over, depending on where the user can buy from).

I personally don't want Ubuntu, I prefer the current Asus gui, but what it runs underneath is not too concerning (see next sentence). Android or any other phone based system (except for Windows 10 mobile) would be the last (never) os I would willing use. I want a secure, stable and upgradeable environment for a router. Android is anything but secure, stable or upgradeable from what any specific device is released with.

I'd love it if others can add their requests (in the new thread). Thanks for keeping this dialogue going. :)

Thanks for your inputs!

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