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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. DJxLight

    Asus GT-AX6000 Random Disconnects 2.5gbit Port

    Hey all, new here of course. I have exhausted all my options and asking for assistance. My Routers 2.5gbit Port randomly disconnects every day a couple times here and there when I am gaming/browsing and I am trying to figure out where it is exactly linking to. All other connections are fine...
  2. C

    5g disconnect random sometimes hard to reconnect

    my new ax11000 has the habit to connect to 5-2 or 5-1 and fall back to 2.4 resulting in dropouts changed smart to none , na the connection hard to connect. installed merlin same problem with reconnect
  3. B

    RT-AX88U Router managing two AI Mesh Nodes (wired backhaul ZenWifi AX) - Nodes loosing connection

    I have my Wan plugged into a RT-AX88U Router, on latest firmware set to managing two ZenWifi AX AI mesh nodes (on latest firmware) wired and configured to use wired backhaul. Intermittently (not daily but a 1/2 days worth of issues that go away for a few weeks and reoccur) these nodes drop...
  4. C

    ai-mesh nodes always go offline eventually

    The nodes are hardwired ethernet backhaul. The ethernet devices connected to the nodes are still online. It just shows the nodes as offline in the web gui. Cant say exactly when or how often they go down. I usually check every week in the web gui if they're still online. This has been an issue...
  5. M

    Multiple Kernel log messages

    I am running an RT-AX88U as a main router with a RT-AX3000 as an AiMesh Node using a wired backhaul. I am continually seeing the following in my log files: Aug 2 09:06:19 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:B8:0D:CC:4B:0E Aug 2 09:06:19 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength...
  6. K

    RT-AX88U w/ Centurylink ONT -- Persistent Disconnects (HELP?)

    Hi friends, I'm posting in hopes of getting some help to find out what other troubleshooting may be helpful. I don't have a... strong networking background. I'm happy to make a donation via Venmo to show my gratitude for your time. I have an Asus RT-AX88U that worked perfectly fine before a...
  7. X

    XT8 PPPoe Disconnect Issues

    Hi All, First time poster. Long time lurker as I've always had Asus but never had many issues.. I'm hoping all you lovely people can help me get to the bottom of my constant PPPoe Disconnect Issues. Basically I have tried both a Billion 8800nl & the Plusnet hub2 in bridged mode. Both are...
  8. P

    RT-AC86U freezing

    Hi all, first time posting here so please bear with me :) I've had my RT-AC86U router for more than a year now and lately it started acting strangely. Basically it drops connection a few times per day, but I think I managed to reproduce another issue. Each morning when I wake up my phone has...
  9. C

    Random disconnection of multiple devices

    I have a ax88u and ax58u node on aimesh. Both on 386.3_2. I have around 40~ devices connected at all times ranging from lightbulbs to pcs. On occasion some of my devices would lose usually the 5G network and then can't reconnect. I would see the device number all of a sudden drop to 25 devices...
  10. F

    Random crashes ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8) & NTP/logging weirdness

    Hi, We recently decide to switch our older Asus routers for a fancy AI mesh system with two nodes. We have had nothing but trouble since, bad connections and crashes, devices (wifi AND wired) dropping of the net. When I say drop of the net, I don't just mean of the internet, but they...
  11. K

    RT-AX92U set...Random overnight disconnect

    Upon waking up this morning, I noticed that my alarm system dropped off of WiFi and fell back to Cellular connectivity for a few seconds at 1:38am last night. I checked the ASUS log, and I see the following. Looks like everything was fine after midnight until 1:37am. Anyone know what the log...
  12. D

    Constant disconnects (Wifi) and unable to delete manually assigned IP's 384.16

    Hi All, I have constant disconnects on my wifi. I have 3x 86U's. 2 wired as AImesh. I've disabled the 5G, did all the beam disabling etc. Read everything I could find. Moved the routers etc, factory reset and so on. Log gives me a couple of errors consistant: kernel: jffs2: Argh. No free...
  13. N

    Issues with R7800 Resetting Randomly

    I purchased a new R7800 a few months ago. The first thing I did when setting it up was flash Voxel's firmware, because I heard from multiple sources the stock firmware is garbage. I used the newest version posted on myopenrouter.com ( The flashing seemed to go fine, in that the...
  14. WoodenClogs

    Systemlog RC-68U "Need to restart wireless due current chanspec is un-available" ?!

    Hi all, I have no luck in trying to find the following error from my Asus RT-68U's (set up in Aimesh with two other RT-68U's on the upper floors) systemlog: "Need to restart wireless due current chanspec is un-available". It keeps disconnecting clients. This problem popped up a few weeks ago...
  15. A

    Asus RT-AC86U randomly drops internet

    Setup Router: Asus RT-AC86U Asuswrt-Merlin 384.15 Provider: Teksavvy (over Rogers Cable) My standard config (has been set up for over 2 years) Hitron CDA3-20 Modem -> Grandstream ATA HT502 -> RT-AC86U -> Lan Clients (wired computers, wifi enabled computers, wired IOT devices and wifi...
  16. R

    AX88U Internet disconnect every reboot

    Hi there I have been having an issue where my internet disconnects every time I reboot the router. I changed from the official firmware after doing some research to Merlin as some suggested it was an improvement but still have the same issue. I am on version 384.15 of Merlin currently. Any help...
  17. 0x1D12ED

    4G USB WAN half solution and reconnect command issues

    After countless hours, countless days of reading in order to find a solution to my problem, having folders of bookmarks saved, I still was only able to decrease the daily disconnection quantities. I`ve got an RT-AC68u Firmware Version: 384.13 (with Entware and a mini Debian), I`m in the UK, my...
  18. A

    RT-AC51U Wifi Power Save Problem

    Hello, I am having a problem with my asus RT-AC51U. When my mobile devices went sleep mode the wifi connection is lost. On notebooks is even worst does not even need the notebook to go sleep mode to lose wifi connection. I already test with other wifi and this problem does not occur. Most...
  19. dugaduga

    USB 3.0 causes Wifi disconnect issues. No option to reduce interference 384.9_alpha2

    Forced to use usb 2.0. What happened to the option to reduce interference?
  20. K

    AiMesh clients not connecting to nodes with strongest signal

    I have a bunch of home automation clients on 2.4Ghz I have AiMesh with AC-RT5300 and 2 x AC-RT68U nodes (all running I have a bunch of clients (particularly LIFX bulbs, though I'm not yet convinced they are the problem) that are not connecting to the router/node with...