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Can't Ping Local Devices

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I have a weird issue with my Asuswrt-Merlin equipped AC3100. Trying to ping local devices results in "request timed out" and then will say "destination host unreachable" after I keep trying. Keep trying some more then they will finally go through and receive response, but this is after like ~5 mins of trying. This is not a firewall issue or anything of the sort. PC doing the pinging has no software firewall. The problem seems to present itself again after some period of inactivity, not sure how long but I definitely can repeat the issue, happened to me just now and happened yesterday too.

I run AOSP WifiKeyboard app on my android devices which allow me to use a web-interface to input text which is very convenient when I absolutely have to use the phone to do something, it operates through port 7777. I have never needed to port forward as I should not need to, this is all local access. For example, to access the web-ui, I will point browser to http://"device_ip":7777, on my old router it would immediately show up. On my AC3100, it will sit and then time out.

So I tried pinging my local device(s) (cell phones) and only after a while will they ping correctly and receive packets. Once the pings go through, the web-ui for the keyboard immediately pops up in my browser. No devices have any problems with access to internet... Any ideas?

Firmware: 384.3
So I tried pinging my local device(s) (cell phones) and only after a while will they ping correctly and receive packets.
That's not unusual for mobile devices because they go into powersave mode so the battery doesn't run down too quickly.
I am aware of that, but the device is active when I'm using the wifi keyboard so it is not in sleep state, screen is on, I am texting on it thru the web interface and wifi indicator is "ON".
I'll keep seeing if I can replicate the issue as I use this daily, but I doubt it has anything to do with sleep states on the devices, unless it really takes 3-5 minutes for them to connect after coming up from sleep.
I was only referring to your statement about pinging mobile phones, not your main problem. By "after a while" I assumed you meant 3 to 5 seconds, not 3 to 5 minutes!

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