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OpenVPN Client works for ethernet, not for wifi.

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I am trying to set up OpenVPN client on my RT-AC56U. Firmware: (Merlin build). I've had the router for about a month, everything has been working fine. Today, I finally found the time to set up my OpenVPN Client on the router. It works fine for my ethernet client (my laptop), but none of my wifi clients. From my wifi clients I can see the router (admin pages and media server), but can't get out to the internet. As soon as I turn off the VPN client, I can get out fine. I have scanned my setting and done some forum searching, but don't see anything pertinent. Am I missing a simple setting somewhere or does anyone out there have any suggestions?
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try adding the line float to the client config?

[edit/] if this doesn't work, please copy/paste the config area of the client configurations and a screenshot of your server config. be sure not to include keys in either
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float didn't seem to help. Here's my config file:
remote 4672 udp
remote 123 udp
remote 53 udp
key-direction 1
cipher AES-128-CBC
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
;http-proxy 80
verb 4
reneg-sec 86400
echo vpn8 ovpn281
tun-mtu 1500
route-method exe
route-delay 2
redirect-gateway def1
comp-lzo no
explicit-exit-notify 2
fragment 1390
mssfix 1390
hand-window 30
post the syslog from the router from vpn up to a client over wifi connect along with the server config please
have you tried stripping 'redirect-gateway def1' from both the server and client configurations?
I am trying to set up OpenVPN client on my RT-AC56U. Firmware: (Merlin build). I've had the router for about a month, everything has been working fine. Today, I finally found the time to set up my OpenVPN Client on the router. It works fine for my ethernet client (my laptop), but none of my wifi clients. From my wifi clients I can see the router (admin pages and media server), but can't get out to the internet. As soon as I turn off the VPN client, I can get out fine. I have scanned my setting and done some forum searching, but don't see anything pertinent. Am I missing a simple setting somewhere or does anyone out there have any suggestions?


I have the same problem : WIFI just gets disabled when I turn off /on OpenVPN on my N66U (Merlin).. This is my custom config setting :

resolv-retry infinite
verb 3
auth SHA256
keysize 256
tls-cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA

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